Edible cricothyrotomy model by Dr Bryant

Dr Rob Bryant, Salt Lake City, Utah
Dr Rob Bryant, Salt Lake City, Utah



Our friend Rob had the idea to make edible cric trainers for an education session for his department. They will also be used for the surgical airway training session at the Intermountain Health Care, EMS conference in Salt Lake City, April 25, 2014.

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Show notes  ( Rob attributes his idea to Chris Bonds blog post here)

SOCMOB How to: Make your own Cricothyrotomy Trainer


7 thoughts on “Edible cricothyrotomy model by Dr Bryant

    1. The model is finished with a gob of red frosting over the cricothyroid membrane, then a layer of fruit leather (platysma), then a tortilla. It gives a pretty realistic sensation of palpating the gummy worm cricoid cartilage.

  1. The model is finished with a gob of red frosting over the cricothyroid membrane (gap between Hershey’s and gummy worm cricoid), then a layer of fruit leather (platysma), then a squirt of strawberry jelly, then a tortilla. This gives a pretty realistic feel to palpating the cricoid.
    Simple, minimally nutritious, and delicious!

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