Minimal patient handling: a faculty of prehospital care consensus statement



Here is the article!

Minimal patient handling: a faculty of prehospital care consensus statement

Key points of statement:

  1. “Patients should be managed according to a package of minimal handling considerations” – in order to promote haemostasis a principle of a “single movement” to restore the patient to anatomical position as best as possible then avoid unnecessary movement/handling for rest of transport to ED
  2. Scoop stretcher is the recommended method of patient transfer/handling and spinal immobilisation
  3. Long spine board is to be used for extrication only and not for patient transfer
  4. The patient should be immobilised on the scoop stretcher with scoop to skin – clothes should be removed in prehospital setting to avoid local pressure injuries and allow better application of pelvic and traction splints. Measures to avoid hypothermia need to be utilised
  5. A Vacuum mattress should be utilised if transport time will exceed 45 minutes

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